MARUTAI Goma Shoyu Ramen 171g


The soup is based on pork and chicken extract, and has a rich sesame soy sauce flavor that matches the flavor of vegetable powder, spices, and roasted sesame.

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Ingredients: Noodles [wheat flour (domestic production), salt, vegetable protein, reduced starch syrup], soup [salt, powdered soy sauce, pork oil, pork extract, roasted sesame, vegetable oil, sugars (glucose, sugar), protein hydrolyzate , vegetable powder, chicken extract, seafood extract, spice, green onion, chicken oil] / seasoning (amino acids, etc.), salt water, caramel pigment, gardenia pigment, fragrance, antioxidant (vitamin E), (partly wheat and milk Ingredients: sesame, soybeans, chicken, pork, gelatin)

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Additional information

Weight 0.171 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 1.2 × 24.7 cm